
Since 2015, GW Padley Poultry Ltd made a considerable investment in Solar PV on a number of poultry farms. Shortly after full commissioning, it became apparent that this was not a simple plug in and produce solution to improving on farm electricity costs and financial performance. We were soon faced with a number of installation and operational issues that had to be addressed immediately. We contacted Simon Hopkins to provide an independent report on any defects and also to obtain advice for any further issues that could potentially arise in years to come. Simon and his team could not have been more helpful, their engineers have very significant experience and technical resource to identify and help resolve any problems quickly and effectively, to limit lost generation. This is also when we were first introduced to the HIT Energy Guard, a unique monitoring platform specifically designed to ensure maximum return on investment.

“The HIT Energy Guard is an excellent product with fits perfectly into our companies Greentech brand which offers installers local stocks on a national level with 20 + specialist branches located across the UK offering a full Renewable solutions.”

L.E. Barnes and Sons invested a considerable sum in to solar PV onto our farm to balance our electrical usage and benefit from the government feed in tariff. Once the system was installed we saw inefficiencies in meter readings. HIT Energy Services carried out an audit of the system, this concluded the solar PV installation suffering from DC issues that was effecting production. HIT Energy Guard monitoring was installed onto our solar PV plant to monitor issues effecting production, we have now more confidence and the output of the system and return investment.

Will Sands of Norfolk-based HBS Farms says, “HBS Farms have being involved with PV since August 2011 with 230kw over three different sites at a cost of approx. £1 Million. All three installations have had quite a few problems mainly due to the technology being in its infancy. The first monitoring system we had was on a 15 min real-time inverter basis by a company who shall remain nameless. In 2014 the contract was given to a different provider who only checked the sites on a half hourly generation meter reading. This information was downloaded once a day and therefore not capable of identifying small issues, however, small issues can cause big problems.

We partnered with HIT Energy Services to check two of our sites in Jan 2019 and we are incredibly pleased with the level of monitoring service they provided. We are still partners with them to this day as their system is the best and remarkably effective. said he was “alarmed at the number of issues” picked up by HIT Energy Services. These previously unidentified and “significant production issues” in our Solar PV was costing the company £10,000 a week until they were identified by our GUARD Monitoring System and then rectified by the engineers at HIT Energy Services. Working with HIT Energy Services was one of the best decisions we made with regards to our involvement with solar PV.”

Since HIT Energy have aided the management of our solar panels at Branston Potatoes we have been able to introduce regular servicing and improve levels of generation. HIT Energy have always been responsive and helpful with any concerns we have raised. I would recommend utilising their service

“We farm over three thousand acres in South Lincolnshire and installed solar panels in 2013. The main reason was to reduce our reliance on mains power and to manage our future energy costs. 

We have two x 50KW installations which have helped us reduce our energy bills and fix the cost of power over a prolonged period.  

It was not a small investment, so we must safeguard that investment where possible and by using HIT Energy’s Guard Monitoring system we ensure that our installations are operating at optimal levels. In addition, if there are any faults the team at HIT spot them immediately and quickly rectify them in a timely manner whilst ensuring our installations lose the minimum in production losses.”

David Ward of Lightward, Oswestry, Shropshire stated recently, “The GUARD system is like no other. None of the other so-called monitoring systems out there can do what HIT’s Guard system does. It’s a really effective ‘fit and forget’ system., once installed it does what it’s meant to and monitors our 1 Mega Watt Solar site so we can focus on farming.”

David went on to say, “We are planning to build another 1.5 Mega Watt site on our land soon and we want the HIT Team to help with the design, implementation and also the monitoring of this new site too, as they are the best in the business as far as we are concerned and they help us maximise our investments in solar energy.”

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