Solar PV Export Rates

Renewables Power Purchase:
Get a better price for your excess solar

If you have Solar PV, you can now sell surplus energy not needed. 

We can help you via our Renewables Power Purchase Scheme. Quite simply, we can review any deal you have in place to see if it’s the best available to you depending on size of installation etc. and help you a new deal that maximises what you earn from your excess solar energy. 

The world is currently in an uncertain state, energy costs are sky high, there is a cost-of-living crisis and of course the Russian actions in Ukraine are a massive impact on the world with regards and energy and economics everywhere. 

The UK government needs energy from other, greener sources and is willing to pay more to get it. This new need has created an opportunity for farmers and businesses who send their excess power to the grid. The price per Kw/h has been traditionally quite low, but it has increased substantially in recent months. 

If you would like help to see if you can claim a higher rate for your excess solar power, then please contact us immediately.