Renewable Power Purchase Agreements

Farmers treble what they get for exporting excess solar to the National Grid

Some farmers are now receiving three times as much for exporting their excess solar power to the National Grid as they were getting only a few months ago.

A shortage of energy has been caused by issues including a cold winter in Europe last year depleting reserves and increased demand from countries such as China.

This has pushed up wholesale prices by 250% and led to some suppliers going bust.

It also means the excess energy you don’t use is more valuable than ever.

HIT Energy Services has been working with Solar PV owners across the U.K. to see how they can play their part in addressing the situation.

“In the past, the price for excess solar energy exported to the National Grid has been quite low per Kw/h,” said Simon Hopkins of HIT Energy Services.

“But since we started looking into how the industry can help out in this time of crisis, we found what is generated from Solar PV is more valuable than ever.

“The price exported to the grid was rather static for a long time – but farmers are now getting up to three times what they used to get, with that price locked in for a year.”

The search for more sources of power can provide a boost to farmers, agricultural firms, companies and landowners that generate it to run their operations.

Simon added: “The new year is a good time to look at your Solar PV and how it’s faring through the winter months.

“Our engineers can come and give it our expert gaze and through our free health check make sure it’s generating to 100% of its potential again.

“While we are at it, we can also look at the potential for exporting energy you don’t use to the National Grid.”

HIT Energy Services can look at all current export deals available to you, or review any arrangements you already have in place.

Even if you have export limitations set by a distribution network operator, we can revisit the original agreement to make sure you maximise export revenues at the best rate.

We can also help with getting an export meter installed, or monitor the amount of energy you send to the National Grid.

This is the latest service offered by the Lincoln-based solar specialists.

Through our HIT Energy Guard, we can also monitor performance 24/7, meaning if performance ever drops again, even for a short time, we can fix it – this has saved some owners hundreds or even thousands of pounds a month.

We are also helping people to get into the market – for those who are unable or unsure about the initial outlay for a Solar PV system, we can build it free of charge through our HIT Energy Power Purchase.

Our work has been recognised with a string of accolades – at Lamma 2020, we scooped the online innovation award, while we also beat hundreds of other products to be ranked seventh in the Midlands Tech 50 list.

We won innovation product of the year at the Lincolnshire Technology and Innovation Awards in 2019 and 2020, as well as being recognised at the Lincolnshire Business Awards 2020 (which took place in March 2021).