Join us and the solar revolution at Energy Expo 2020

We will put the renewable power in your hands 

From saving farmers money to making them money – HIT Energy Services is now stepping up its solar revolution by installing new solar panels for businesses.

Energy bills are rising, so if you want to be able to generate your own reliable, green source of power, we can put the newest technology in fields, on barn roofs, or anywhere suitable.

In the past, our engineers have focused on maintaining existing Solar PV systems, that have aged or are underperforming after operating for 20 years or more.

Because of issues such as poor installation, they were losing farmers and businesses thousands of pounds a month in some cases.

While we have used our skills to keep more than 50,000 panels across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland up to speed and generating at 100%, we are now going further.

“Our award-winning engineers have been meeting farmers and landowners across the U.K. as we keep the country solar-powered,” said Simon Hopkins from HIT Energy Services.

“What we are are hearing is that energy bills are rising and while their panels are generating well, having even more could be beneficial to their operating costs.

“So, we have decided to add to our offering and install Solar PV systems as well as maintaining them.”

If you are a farmer, land or business owner, get in touch about how we can help you.

Or come chat to our friendly staff person.

We will be at the Energy Now Expo in the East of England Arena, Peterborough, on March 3 and 4.

This is the perfect opportunity to find out about renewable energy and how it can help you generate power for your operations.